Friday, February 3, 2012

Tobacco companies are most significant political spenders

New figures have uncovered the political paying of tobacco firms, the mining business and clubs as they fought to reverse government policy in the past financial year. The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) has unveiled economic disclosure returns that present the donations of a lot more than $eleven,five hundred made to political get-togethers and the political expenditure of donors.
Huge tobacco firms put in about $14 million as they fought versus the Federal Government's basic packaging guidelines.
British American Tobacco, Phillip Morris and Imperial Tobacco gave a somme of $9 million to the Alliance of Australian Retailers, which led the marketing campaign towards the regulations.
Imperial Tobacco also individually put in more than $four million preventing the transfer with printed materials and broadcast advertising and Philip Morris extra to that with nearly $five hundred,000.
The Coalition also received donations worth $184,000 from British American Tobacco and $79,000 from Philip Morris.
Mining businesses and related lobby teams had been also massive donors and large campaigners as they fought the Government's tax on mining revenue and the carbon pricing scheme.
The Minerals Council of Australia put in practically $4 million combating the tax, with most of that spent on broadcast advertising and marketing.
The Affiliation of Mining and Exploration Companies expended yet another $2.2 million.
Clive Palmer's Mineralogy gave the Coalition celebrations, at federal and condition ranges, nearly $five hundred,000.
His Queensland Nickel gave another $500,000 to Queensland's LNP.

Lion's reveal

Listen to the story here
(The World These days)
Fighting the crackdown Vancouver Canucks Jerseys on poker devices value Clubs New South Toronto Maple Leafs Jerseys Wales near to $one million.
It also gave practically $500,000 in political donations, with the lion's reveal really going to the Coalition.
The Australian Lodges Association also spent a lot more than $850,000 on donations, most of which once again went to the Liberal and Countrywide get-togethers.
The AEC figures also show political activist group Get Up spent $five million on political campaigning, although the Australian Council of Trade Unions put in $six.five million.
The individual donor who gave the most was vacation website millionaire Graeme Solid wood, who gave $one.six million to the Greens.
Whole donations to the key political parties came to more than $200 million.
The Labor Party received about $92 million and the Coalition took in virtually $113

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